it's the sounds of america
it’s mowers mowing and leaf blowers blowing 
because husbands have honey to do lists so home depot always stays full

so the wives won't complain because tomorrow is sunday

and he just wants to be able to drink a beer and watch the eagles game 

it's the sounds of america 
where moviegoers can relax & recline at the IMAX with a glass of wine

and spend millions each weekend 
while teachers go on strike and budget cuts affect our children's education

in the classroom they teach in

it’s the sound of america where madness comes in stages 
not just in inner cities but from hotel windows in vegas 
and in school hallways

and gun control is at the center of the debate always

and it's the NRA who takes the pulse when lives are loss at the Pulse 

it’s the sounds of america 
where hurt people use metal things to settle things
where reality is worse than your worst bad dreams

when angry teens can legally get their hands on AR-15's

it’s the sounds of america


triggers are squeezed by fingers with no forgiveness
dreams dissolve into the distance 
tragedy after tragedy
despair cannot continue be our strategy 

the consequence of violence cannot be silence 
these are the united sounds of america
a united voice to take us to a better place
a united country not dived by color, class, race or hate


we must unite our cry for justice and equity
instead of building up, we tear down with just word of mouth
fake news is the only news we hear about
they cover us with careless news coverage
meant to smoother us
killing a movement in a moment
fanning the fires of the most violent
intensifying our pain and strife
but what’s wrong has never been right
so we fight
with a belief that we can do better
these are the united sounds of america


it’s the sounds of america

and this is main street in any city across the USA 
where mom-and-pop shops and other small business

are being forced to close their doors 
for they can no longer compete

with the big box monopoly conglomerates anymore

it's the sounds of america
where the media outlets try to use fear

to control our worldview and what we think and do
today they say it's the virus, no it’s ukraine 

and then tomorrow they say it's a new variant coming

but open the schools and unmask the kids 

so, we all run out and got our vaccines but still ended up catching covid

it’s the sounds of america
where our inner cities have more deaths than iraq and afghanistan combined 
but they mostly blacks and latinos so america leaves it in the blind spots of its mind 
lost in americas blind spot screaming hands up don't shoot

battlefields on american boulevard's bring death like bombs in beirut


it's the sounds of america

and it sounds like a gunshots from trigger-happy cops

it's the sounds of america when another body drops
for I've seen the beauty of the morning sunlight become good

for only revealing the ugliness from last night’s gun fight 

where blood stains still remain from where little Jermaine got slain 
and it's too many Freddie grays and Eric Garners in my heart to be forgot

too many Arteise Browns , Ronald Kelsons & Walter Scotts 
and Trayvons and so on and the list continues on - 

and it appears that there is no end in sight 
when an officer can pull up to a playground and shoot down 12 year old Tamir Rice 

they say Black Lives Matter but I’d have to disagree 

with all the tragic traffic stops i see


the united sounds of america

a need to fill the air with something true

something meaningful

the good old red, white and blue

empowering the equality of rainbows

these sounds are just as american

as the muted sound of our children’s pain

just the song of a slave

where the walls of my classroom

are the walls of my grave


the united sounds of america

where flag draped coffins

rest under patriotic skies

cries of no more war

without an agreed upon declaration of what we are truly fighting for

these are the united sounds of america


it's the sounds of america when school doors are closing

and prison doors are opening

so in prison you stay

because to the justice system he's a criminal

but really he's just a sad little boy

he was sad his dad went away

sad that his mom had no money on picture day

and he didn't have a new bike on Christmas day

so that's why he tried to steal that bike and ride away

it’s the sounds of america when a police officer come his way


it's the sounds of america and we all are crying

from pain at the pump

everyday gas prices jump

stock market down - inflation is up

democrat vs republican

enough is enough

just what happened to that land

with opened boarders and welcoming hands?


it's the sounds of america

america is as beautiful as the sounds of our children's laughter

as beautiful as a thousand flowers opening slowly

american you're so beautiful

america please show me

it’s the sounds of america 

racist propaganda presented as policy

we can create all sorts of laws

and we still will not be safe

from her own hate


singing the united sounds of america

we search for silence in the midst of screams

our children living in the land of lost dreams


police sirens sadly serenade

the souls of those soon to be trafficked

hymns sung with silence

beneath the chorus of sex and violence

naked aggression

she’s beaten until she sees stars

strangled beneath this banner


these are the united sounds of america

where anxiety and doubt

spilling out of our children’s mouths

communities of color

where cries go unnoticed

that these disparities existed

well before covid


unrecognized pain and anguish

you would think our united sounds of america

are being sung in a different language

glass ceilings above floor after floor of racism

built upon a foundation of hatred

united sounds of america

sill the birth of a nation


these are the united songs we sing

together we move to a place

beyond the hate

beyond the hype and hysteria

these are the united sounds of america


we must stop feeding the lies to the boys and the girls

stop spreading the sickness which is now the way of the world


we wait for the healing to begin

if not now, then when?


our children demand more

we stand for justice

we stand united for what’s right


unified we march for our sisters, our brothers, our fathers, our mothers

we march for our children, our husbands, our wives

we march for our lives


from the mountain tops

from the farms to the street blocks

this is the united sounds of america

this is more than just street art

it’s graffiti written on the walls of my heart


it’s the tree of life

it’s our roots that run deep

that keeps us standing strong

united voices carrying this song


the united sounds of america

a unified harmony

producing environments

where our children feel safe

without carrying a gun

the chorus of my country

telling me that i can be someone


these are the united sounds of america
